Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple

  • 10339 Highland Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70810


The Ancient Church

When Jesus was on the earth, He organized His Church. He called twelve Apostles to lead and teach and organize congregations in various cities, and He gave the Apostles authority (known as the priesthood) to act in God’s name

After Jesus was crucified, His Apostles faced dissent inside the Church and increased persecution outside it, in some cases leading to their death. Some people misused religion to try to increase their own power or splintered off into new sects that misinterpreted the Savior’s teachings. Over time, the priesthood was taken from the earth and many important truths were lost.

Good people such as Martin Luther and John Calvin recognized the incomplete state of Christianity and tried to reform these churches. During this time of reformation, many new religions were organized to sincerely follow Jesus Christ and His original teachings. Yet these religions still lacked the priesthood authority from God to perform ordinances such as baptism or the sacrament. A full restoration, directed by a prophet chosen by God, was needed.

Joseph Smith Was Called as a Prophet

The time for that restoration came in 1820. A 14-year-old boy named Joseph Smith began to feel, in his words, “serious reflection and great uneasiness” about the welfare of his soul and which church he should join 

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10339 Highland Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70810








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