A momentous event for Vaishnav Sampraday families took place on June.20, as Goswami Shri Dwarkeshlalji Maharajshri, the 14th Gadipati of Jagat Guru Shrimad Vallabhacharyaji, the founder of Pushti Margiya Vaishnav Samaj, was honored at the California State Capitol by Senator Dave Cortese.
This historic recognition was witnessed by prominent organizations including VIPO Global and Bay Area Youth Vaishnav Parivar (BAYVP) from Sacramento, Los Angeles, and Florida.
The ceremony's success was attributed to the efforts of Tara Sreekrishnan and Clare Macdonald. Among the notable attendees were Atul Shah, Dr. Divyang Patel, Dr. Grishma Patel, Dr. Bhavin Parikh, Nitin Parekh, Snehal Shah, Hemant Patel, Saumil Shah, Nishit Dalal, and Hemali Patel.
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