Georgia proclaims Hindu Heritage Month and Diwali Day

The state has designated October 2024 as Hindu Heritage Month and recognized November 1, 2024, as Diwali Day

Georgia legislature passes resolutions recognising Hindu Heritage Month and Diwali day / (Image - X, CoHNAOfficial)

In a welcome move for the Indian community in Georgia, the state’s legislature has passed two resolutions, one originating from the Senate designating October 2024 as Hindu Heritage Month and the other from the House of Representatives recognizing November 1, 2024, as Diwali Day. 

The proclamations build on the ones issued by Georgia governor Brian P. Kemp last year in which he acknowledged Hinduism as the third largest religion globally with nearly four million Hindu devotees in the United States alone. 

Recognizing October as Hindu Heritage Month, the state Senate said in its proclamation, “The State of Georgia embraces the diversity represented in our communities and seeks to afford all residents the opportunity to better understand, recognize, and appreciate the rich history and shared experiences of Hindu Americans.”

The Diwali resolution by the House underscored that more than 200,000 people in Georgia and millions across the country celebrate the festival that “symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.”

The resolutions  were presented to the Coalition of Hindus of North America (CoHNA), a grassroots advocacy group representing the Hindu community of North America during an event titled “Building Bridges and Connecting Communities.”
