Join VHPA for the Ayodhya Mandir anniversary with Marathi dhol, Ramleela, selfies with Ramlala, and prasadam. A joyous cultural celebration awaits!
Jai Shri Ram!! Consider RSVPing for our festive celebrations of Ayodhya Mandir anniversary.
Let us dance at the tune of Marathi dhol, take selfie of the year with our Ramlala, enjoy performances and Ramleela prepared by our community adults, followed by Prasadam.
Why put all these efforts into the Celebrations After the Inauguration?
This is not just a celebration; it’s a movement that goes beyond the event itself. Our goal is to propagate our culture, heritage, and history to both current and future generations. By doing so, we are ensuring that our Dharmic – Hindu American identity is strengthened, distinct, and celebrated, transcending mere geographic identities like Indian or South Asian.
While geographic identities are important, the values of Dharma offer a deeper sense of pride, a stronger sense of belonging, and contribute to building physically and mentally healthier families. This effort is about ensuring that future generations carry forward a strong and proud Dharmic identity, which will serve as a foundation for their growth and well-being.
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