Beyond Asana: Yoga of the Heart

  • 01-Feb-2024
  • 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
  • Pranify Yoga Seattle


Beyond Asana: Yoga of the Heart.

Free | By Donation

We invite you to be a part of this rare and unique opportunity to connect with a Swami from India, Srila Bhaktivedanta Vana Goswami Maharaja, and learn about the sacred roots of yoga beyond the physical poses and into the heart of mantra, meditation, devotion and yoga philosophy. No mat is required, just your presence, ears and voice!

Our donation based program will be in two parts, including:

RADHA-KRISHNA KIRTAN: Come join in the power of collective musical mantra meditation through Kirtan (also known as the music of yoga) led by local Seattle Kirtan duo, ROB & MELISSA. Let yourself immerse into the sound waves of mantra chants, singing the divine names of Krishna to enchanting melody and ecstatic rhythm with live traditional Indian percussion instruments. Experience the core of the Bhakti yoga devotional practice through this enlivening, fun, interactive and expansive experience! No musical skill or previous experience is required, please come as you are.

LECTURE: Learn about the deep spiritual wisdom of Krishna Bhakti yoga from ancient India with our honored guest speaker Srila Vana Goswami Maharaja. These heart-centered teachings timeless sacred teachings of bhakti-yoga, as presented in ancient mystic wisdom texts like the Bhagavad Gita, the Puranas, and the Upanishads, will give insight to your life in a simple yet profound way. Hear about topics on the soul, self realization, karma, reincarnation, our relationship to the Divine and others, our spiritual and material natures, and the sacred feminine and masculine aspects of Divinity, God and Goddess, Radha and Krishna. This class is ideal for seekers, the inquisitive, those looking to expand their knowledge of yoga philosophy, and those looking to deepen, expand or enrich their spiritual path of yoga.

Enjoy Vegan/Vegetarian refreshments and meet new like-minded individuals at the end of the event.

This event is brought to you by the nonprofit organization Vana Madhuryam USA, whose mission is to help revive the ancient, sacred wisdom teachings of yoga in the modern yoga of the West which largely focuses on the physical asana practice.

On Srila Vana Maharaja:

Srila Bhaktivedanta Vana Goswami Maharaja is a world-renowned traveling monk from Bengal, India known for his sweetness, humility, endearing humor, deep wisdom, and immense heart. He is a practitioner of bhakti-yoga, the yoga of devotion, as well as speaker, author, and mentor to many communities of bhakti yogis and yoginis around the world- particularly in Brazil and across Central and South America, Europe, Russia, China and India. He possesses an electric energy that keeps him full of fervor as he travels from city to city every 1-7 days, singing kirtan and speaking for hours each day on the wisdom teachings of Bhakti.

Born in West Bengal, India, Srila Vana Maharaja grew up in a family that was deeply steeped in the practice of Vaisnavism, a particular line of Hinduism. At age 23, after graduating from the University of Calcutta, he joined the Devananda Gaudiya Math temple and dedicated the next 19 years to study and service there as a brahmachari (student monk) to his Guru. In 2000, he took sannyas (full renunciation into monkhood) and began traveling the world to give what he learned. For the last 23 years he has traveled from place to place, spreading the beautiful spiritual teachings of bhakti yoga to many communities, speaking everywhere from yoga studios and cultural centers, to ashrams and temples, to universities and government embassies in all corners of the globe.

Find out more at:


Pranify Yoga Seattle | 7110 Woodlawn Avenue Northeast Seattle, WA 98115 United States








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