Hashimoto is an autoimmune disorder of the thyroid gland that the western medicine has failed to treat. “Your body is attacking itself,” said the doctor. Autoimmune thyroid diseases are common, with approximately 20 million people affected. Patients continue to experience symptoms despite treatment. This and other unresolved health issues have led to increased interest in complementary and alternative therapies, including Ayurvedic practices.
Brinda had been in and out of hospital for the last three years and when she checked into an Ayurveda center along with her 35-year-old daughter, who had just moved back from New York, for a Panchakarma treatment, my gut and sluggish thyroid were piqued.
Guided by well-wishing health advisors, I headed to Shathayu Ayurvedic in Koramangala, Bengaluru. Dr Gita sat behind a large desk and reached for my wrist. She asked very pertinent questions. “Are you short of iodine?” and proceeded to prescribe the treatment. A daily massage over a week would get the endocrine and digestive systems working.
“Massage can help stimulate the lymphatic system, encouraging the removal of waste products that may be affecting your health,” said Dr Gita. Ayurvedic treatments often focus on eliminating toxins from the body.
“This process will help remove blockages or toxins that may be affecting your thyroid health.”
Madhvi Pratt, a resident of Los Altos, agrees. She had been suffering from endocrine and gut issues for a decade and has tried every treatment and practitioner she heard of. She is now going for a stomach massage. “It moves things around in the colon, she said. “It is actually working,” she said surprised. “I didn't have to take a laxative for two days after the massage!”
Pratt has gotten a massage locally at Denise Alberto Physical Therapy in Los Gatos but the cost does add up. “I want to address my issues. We want to enjoy life. Whatever it takes,” said Pratt.
The treatment here did not include the elements of Ayurveda for instance the oils, herbs and the Panchkarma treatment.
“Panchakarma is a comprehensive detoxification and rejuvenation therapy in Ayurveda designed to cleanse the body of toxins (referred to as ama) and restore balance to the body’s doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha),” said the doctor as she reached out for my wrist for a nadhi pariksha.
I thankfully had an imbalance of the earth element that was easy to manage.
The massage with oils and herbs supports the thyroid, and promotes the removal of excess fluids or congestion, which can contribute to thyroid enlargement.
Two ladies got to work on me. Their 45-minute massage was like a workout, for them as they rhythmically synchronized their hand movements standing on either side of me, and for me as I felt the skin on my belly tighten.
Abhyanga (therapeutic oil) followed by 15 minutes of Swedana (herbal steam therapy), improved my circulation and helped enhance the flow of nutrients to the thyroid. “This improved blood circulation ensures that the thyroid gland gets adequate oxygen and nutrients, supporting its function,” said Dr. Gita.
Kiran Batta found the Shirodhara treatment (pouring warm oil on the forehead), and herbal dry powder massage very effective. Shirodhara, designed to calm the nervous system and reduce stress, helps in balancing thyroid hormones.
Kiran Batta, who has done a 15-day residential course at Jindal Naturecure Institute Bengaluru, lost five kilos in 15 days. She thought the massage really helped with improving circulation however she wishes she had been more disciplined while undergoing the treatment.
“Inflammation may be a contributing factor to thyroid’s sluggishness. Certain Ayurvedic herbs and oils used in Panchakarma, like turmeric, ginger, and sesame oil, have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling and inflammation in the thyroid gland,” said Dr Rukamani Nair, cofounder of Bapu Nature Cure Hospital & Yogashram (BNCHY). She has conducted clinical trials on “Efficacy of yoga in controlling subclinical hypothyroidism:a randomized controlled trial”
Neck exercises and yoga were used by Dr Rukamani Nair in BNCHY to prevent subclinical hypothyroidism to become a full blown hypothyroidism.
My favorite was Nasya, administration of medicated ghee in the nose and a massage of the face to aid clearing of the sinuses, improve circulation to the head and neck, and support thyroid function. I could imagine that for those with congestion or respiratory issues it would be very helpful. Nasya was a 5-day course.
As I emerged from my week-long program, my body felt well distributed. The swelling on my face had reduced, giving an illusion of weight loss. The skin was smoother and more polished and the movement of the joints lubricated. I stood a little taller.
Shathayu Ayurvedic, a clinic tucked away on the first floor of a house in Koramangala is keeping this science of Ayurveda alive.
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