Mutual respect key to India-US ties: Richard Verma champions unity amid backlash

Despite the criticism facing the Indian American community, Verma remains resolute in defending the inclusive vision that America was built on, emphasizing that "not everyone agrees with me, but that's what I'm going to keep fighting for in the years ahead.”

Richard Verma, the US Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources. / Courtesy Photo

Richard Verma, the US Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, addressed the recent backlash against Indian Americans, emphasizing the need for mutual respect and unity. “We just have to be able to respect one another,” Verma told New India Abroad. “What makes this country strong is that we have people from all over the world who express different views and ideas. That’s the real strength of this country.”

Verma, who served as U.S. Ambassador to India from 2015 to 2017, shared his reflections in an interview with New India Abroad, touching upon both the triumphs and hurdles that have shaped his career and the future of the bilateral relationship.


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