A recent survey conducted by the Asian American Foundation (TAAF) revealed that in 2023, one out of every two Asian Americans residing in New York have encountered acts of racial or ethnic hatred.
The report titled ‘Asian American Perspectives: NYC Safety Study’ found that these incidents included insults, harassments, threats, or a physical attack, with every one in five experiencing the latter. As a result, an overwhelming majority (70 percent) of Asian American New Yorkers admitted to feeling unsafe in different public settings.
When asked about issues affecting Asian Americans in New York, 78 percent of Asian Americans New Yorkers said that “public safety” was either a “major problem” or “somewhat of a problem” that needed to be addressed. This concern was higher among women, with 83 percent of them flagging it.
Significantly, three out of four Asian Americans in New York stated that they have altered their habits and behaviors due to concerns about being targeted solely because of their Asian American identity. 48 percent said they avoided going out late at night or taking the subway or public transportation (41 percent).
When asked about reporting anti-Asian instances, less than half of the respondents (46 percent) said they did. In most cases, the survey found that they shared it with a friend or family member (61 percent), followed by local or federal law enforcement agencies (54 percent, with 29 percent going to NYPD).
Meanwhile, those who did not report such instances most commonly said they did not want to bring additional attention to themselves (42 percent). Other reasons included not knowing that this was something New Yorkers could report (29 percent), not knowing how to report such incidents (27 percent), and not feeling comfortable reporting the incident to law enforcement or other officials (26 percent).
The community believes that improved relations with the police (67 percent), mental health and legal services (62 percent), senior services (60 percent), youth activities (58 percent), and training on how to report incidents or safely intervene when witnessing an incident can help prevent the rise in these incidents.
The Asian American Foundation commissioned BSP Research to conduct this survey with a representative sample of 1,000 Asian American residents of New York City aged 16 to 82. Indian Americans formed 17 percent of the sample size.
“This survey brings into sharp focus the need to immediately address the unsafe reality of AAPI NYers, while continuing to drive towards longer term solutions that make the City safe for all residents, “ TAAF said. “We hope that this type of data and research, combined with the interventions described above, can begin a paradigm shift for the nearly 2 million AAPIs who call New York City home today.”
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