2008 US-India Civil Nuclear Agreement: How President Bush made a strategic bet on India

A panel discussion organized by the Hoover Institution brought together key figures who shaped modern US-India relations to discuss the 2008 deal between the two nations.

Key figures who shaped modern US-India relations were part of the dialogue held in Hauck Auditorium, David & Joan Traitel Building. / Screengrab/Hoover Institution YouTube

The Hoover Institution at Stanford University held a panel discussion titled, Strengthening Trust With India: Implications of the 2008 US-India Civil Nuclear Agreement, on May.6 to deliberate on the difficulties of getting this landmark agreement done, why the two countries did the nuclear deal, and the cooperation it has unlocked. Key figures who shaped modern US-India relations were part of the dialogue held in Hauck Auditorium, David & Joan Traitel Building.

“It is hard to understand how much distrust there was between the two countries before we upended decades of nuclear policy and unleashed cooperation in defense and intelligence for instance,” said Anja Manuel, executive director of the Aspen Strategy Group.

Manuel was special assistant to the undersecretary for political affairs Nicholas Burns (2005-2007) at the time.

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