AAPI Data launches AANHPI community database

The AANHPI Community Data Explorer leverages data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) and features a user-friendly interface.

Developed in partnership with January Advisors and enriched by feedback from numerous community partners, this tool aims to empower stakeholders with detailed, disaggregated data. / Image-

AAPI Data, a national data and policy organization has unveiled the AANHPI Community Data Explorer, a platform designed to provide comprehensive insights into Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities across the United States. 

Developed in partnership with January Advisors and enriched by feedback from numerous community partners, this tool aims to empower stakeholders with detailed, disaggregated data.

The AANHPI Community Data Explorer leverages data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) and features a user-friendly interface. Users can examine data on various indicators such as citizenship, language, income, poverty, education, health insurance, internet access, and home ownership. The platform’s geographic flexibility allows for analysis at the state, county, and metropolitan levels, providing nuanced insights into the diverse AANHPI communities.

"The AA and NHPI Community Data Explorer represents a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to disseminate accurate and comprehensive data of AANHPI communities to effect positive change," said Karthick Ramakrishnan, founder and executive director of AAPI Data. "By putting reliable and actionable data into the hands of policymakers, journalists, advocates, and community leaders, the platform serves as a catalyst for informed dialogue and meaningful change."

The tool offers two primary reporting options: Community Snapshots, which provide topline reports with styled infographics and graphs, and Community Deep Dives, which offer in-depth data in a tabular format. These features enable users to create customized products tailored to specific needs and uses.

Part of the broader Power In Numbers campaign, the Community Data Explorer highlights the critical need for disaggregated data by Asian American and NHPI ethnicities across federal data collections. The recent update to the Office of Management and Budget’s Statistical Policy Directive 15 mandates improvements in the collection of detailed ethnicity data across federal agencies.

"The AANHPI Community Data Explorer shows us what is possible — and what is essential — with respect to federal race and ethnicity data collections," noted Akil Vohra, director of policy at AAPI Data. "The data disaggregation pillar of SPD 15 makes us keenly aware that we need timely progress on detailed data collections across all federal agencies, so that we better understand which AANHPI communities continue to face barriers and lack of service."

Community leaders have lauded the new platform for its potential to drive informed advocacy and policy-making. Jaya Aiyer, director for Asian and Pacific Islanders Civic Action Network (APIs CAN!), remarked, "The AANHPI Community Data Explorer will make it possible for our AANHPI-serving organizations here in the Commonwealth to have a clearer understanding of our communities’ needs. This tool will enable our partners in Massachusetts to advocate for more specific resources, campaign for data-driven policy, and strengthen our pan-AANHPI coalition."

Shivani Parikh,executive director for South Asian Legal Defense Fund, highlighted the platform's utility for legal advocacy, stating, "The AANHPI Community Data Explorer is a vital tool for the South Asian Legal Defense Fund. By offering comprehensive demographic insights, we can tailor our advocacy efforts and legal services to address systemic issues and promote inclusive growth intentionally."

Chanda Parbhoo, executive director for SAAVETX Education Fund, emphasized its impact on outreach and advocacy in Texas, saying, "The AANHPI Community Data Explorer provides valuable insights that can inform SAAVETX’s outreach, advocacy, and coalition-building efforts, helping our organization better serve and represent the South Asian community in Texas."
