AIA expresses pride in PM Modi’s visit

Several members of AIA from the National, New York, and New Jersey chapters participated in the Yoga retreat at the United Nations led by the Prime Minister

The Association of Indians in America (AIA), the oldest national organization representing the Indian community in America, organised several events to honour Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his recent visit to the United States.

Lauding the historic visit, Gobind Munjal, national president of AIA, said the Prime Minister received a red carpet welcome from President Joe Biden, members of the United States Congress and countless Americans of India. “We are delighted AIA was front and centre in welcoming PM Modi,” he added, stating that the relationship between the two counties has come a long way.

Several members of AIA from the National, New York, and New Jersey chapters participated in the Yoga retreat at the United Nations led by the Prime Minister, a release stated.

AIA Illinois Chapter president Hina Trivedi and Gopal Khanna, former vice president of AIA–National, along with his wife Anjali, a lifelong community worker, met PM Modi In Washington, DC.  “We were honoured to be invited to attend the Joint Session of the Congress,” said Khanna who served in the administration of two governors and two presidents, most recently as the director of the Agency of Healthcare and Research for President Donald Trump.

“A rare display of bipartisan support and heartfelt welcome afforded to PM Modi was evident on the floor of U.S. Congress. The PM’s message of AI – America and India partnership defining the new world order in the 21st century was appreciated with a standing ovation,” he added.

Commenting on India-US ties, Khanna said, “I can see huge possibilities ahead, particularly in scaling business, technology and defence alliance. Of course, a lot will depend upon defining and crystalizing compelling strategic interests between the two nations. President Biden and Prime Minister Modi have set the course for building trust, investments and people-to-people exchange.”










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