Bharat Ramamurti appointed as senior adviser for Economic Liberties

Throughout his career Ramamurti has been an outspoken supporter of economic justice

Bharat Ramamurti / Image - LinkedIn

Indian-American Bharat Ramamurti has been appointed as the senior adviser for Economic Strategy for Economic Liberties, a non-profit and non-partisan organization that seeks to realize economic liberty for all.

Commenting on his appointment, Ramamurti said “I’m excited to help advise an organization that has played a critical role in tackling one of the most important economic policy issues of our time: growing corporate concentration and its impact on prices, wages, and innovation across our economy.”

Ramamurti, the former deputy director of the National Economic Council, worked under President Biden in the white house from January 2021 to August 2023. Prior to that, he worked as senior counsel for Senator Elizabeth Warren where he was responsible for matters pertaining to financial accountability and economic justice.

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer named Ramamurti to the Congressional Oversight Commission for the CARES Act in 2020, where he was given responsibility for managing the federal government's financial response to the COVID-19 epidemic. Throughout his professional career, Ramamurti has been an outspoken advocate of economic justice.
