The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation announced the annual list of Sloan Research Fellows for 2025, which includes 5 early-career Indian American researchers among the 126 fellows selected from a diverse range of institutions across the US and Canada, including large public university systems, Ivy League institutions, and small liberal arts colleges.
The Indian-American recipients include Himabindu Lakkaraju, Harvard University and Deepak Pathak, Carnegie Mellon University; Vikram Gadagkar, Columbia University, Malavika Murugan, Emory University and Shreya Saxena, Yale University.
Himabindu Lakkaraju is an assistant professor of business administration at Harvard Business School and a faculty affiliate in Computer Science at Harvard. She earned her Ph.D. and M.S. from Stanford University, specializing in AI, machine learning, and their real-world applications.
Deepak Pathak is the Raj Reddy assistant professor in robotics at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. He studied at IIT Kanpur and UC Berkeley, specializing in artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning, and robotics, with a focus on autonomous agents and self-supervised learning.
Vikram Gadagkar is an assistant professor of neuroscience at Columbia University’s Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute. He studied at Bangalore University, IISc, and Cornell University, researching neural mechanisms underlying learning, decision-making, and adaptive behavior using computational and experimental neuroscience approaches.
Malavika Murugan is an assistant professor of biology at Emory University. She earned her B.Tech. from Vellore Institute of Technology and Ph.D. from Duke University. Her research focuses on neural mechanisms of social recognition using imaging, electrophysiology, and optogenetics.
Shreya Saxena is an assistant professor of biomedical engineering at Yale and a core member of the Wu Tsai Institute. She studied at EPFL, Johns Hopkins, and MIT, focusing on neural control, coordinated behavior, and closed-loop motor control using computational neuroscience.
The list also includes an Indian-Canadian, Bhavin J. Shastri, Queen's University. He is an assistant professor of engineering physics and a faculty affiliate at the Vector Institute for AI. He earned his Ph.D. from McGill University, specializing in neuromorphic photonics, quantum machine learning, and integrated photonic systems.
The fellows will receive $75,000 each, which can be used for any expenses related to their research over two years. The annual scholarships have been in place since 1955.
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