Small Steps: The Power of 30 Minutes on Wellness

A lack of physical exercise is a glaring problem within adolescence today.

Representative Image. / Image by Roshan Rajopadhyaya from Pixabay

“The Fitness Gram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic…” is the beginning of a set of words that send a jolt of fear through every child. Whether in first grade or tenth grade, every student in the American school system has been forced to take the dreaded pacer test. In such nerve-wreaking moments waiting at the starting line, everyone was cursing physical education and wishing for it to become optional. But why isn’t it optional? Most schools have roughly 45 minute periods, part of which is used for changing and commute. That makes the actual fitness part of the period only about 30 minutes. So why make it mandatory at all? Is a lack of physical exercise even a problem within today’s teens?

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