GOPIO-CT raises $5000 for cancer patients in Stamford

The funds are used for patients at Stamford Health’s Carl & Dorothy Bennett Cancer Center.

GOPIO-CT at the Bennett Cancer Center Walkathon in Stamford / GOPIO

The Global Organization of People of Indian Origin - Connecticut Chapter (GOPIO-CT) participated in a walkathon on June 9 at Stamford’s Mill River Park to raise funds for the Bennett Cancer Center at Stamford Hospital. 

The Stamford Hospital’s 2024 Hope in Motion Walk at Mill River Park on Sunday, 9 June 2024 collects funds to help cancer patients receiving treatment at Stamford Health’s Carl & Dorothy Bennett Cancer Center. Funds are also used specifically for patient’s rides to and from treatment, nutrition counseling, acupuncture and other services at no charge to patients at the Center.

GOPIO-CT, which has been participating in the event for the past 14 years,  was a sponsor at the event this year. Each GOPIO cparticipant contributes and raised funds for the cause netting over $5,000. The organization’s participation was coordinated by GOPIO board member Anita Mathur.









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