One hundred and six students have been named National STEM Champions for 2025, recognizing their outstanding contributions to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Several students of Indian origin have been honored for their groundbreaking STEM projects.
These young innovators will be honored at the National STEM Festival in Washington, D.C., from March 19-22, where they will showcase their work to the public, as well as to business and government leaders.
Ishaan Kunwar from Edison, New Jersey, stands out as one of the National STEM Champions, earning recognition for his AI-powered mobile application, CataSight, which uses retinal images to detect cataracts at an early stage.
Other champions include Harshith Guduru, a research scholar with a passion for advancing scientific knowledge, Snigtha Mohanraj, a Youth Leadership Council member committed to empowering young people in STEM, Rudra Patel, founder of Noninvasive Neuroprosthetics, Mitekshi Ghosh, has also been recognized for her work in the field of engineering.
The list also includes Vallabh Ramesh (Louisville), Tanay Panja (Ann Arbor), Krithik Alluri (Medford), Deepthisri Paruchuri (Columbus), Anisha Dhoot, Aadi Deshmukh, Karthik Arumugam (Mauldin), Aadhi Umamageswaran, Ritisha Dey (Shorewood), and Lakshmi Agrawal (Bellevue), all of whom have demonstrated exceptional talent and commitment to making an impact in their respective fields.
Each student, along with a guardian, will receive an expense-paid trip to the National STEM Festival, where they will have the opportunity to showcase their projects to the public, as well as business and government leaders. Additionally, each National STEM Champion will be granted free access to EXPLR's educational streaming video and curriculum platform for a teacher of their choice.
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