Has Elon Musk made a Type II discovery?

Type II discoveries cannot come from products of reason such as sciences, laws, policies, regulations and the like nor can they be derived from existing knowledge.

Elon Musk and The Seven Chakras / Wikimedia Commons

My friend Raja Atmamayan brought to my attention a fascinating 1-min. video clip, in which Tesla CEO, Elon Musk presented a theory that linked the first three chakra colors to fast-food restaurants.

Musk pointed out that the colors that fast food businesses used in promotions were all red, orange, or yellow. These are the colors of the lowest three chakras (Muladhara, Swadishthana and Manipura). These chakras deal with sustenance and food is certainly a sustenance issue.

In other words, fast food businesses unknowingly selected red, orange and yellow for all their promotional items because their consciousness implicitly knew that these three colors linked to sustenance. This is a remarkable discovery, and I suggest that it may well be a Type II discovery. Readers are encouraged to investigate if Musk’s finding rings true in other fast-food businesses not mentioned in the video as well as in other countries.

Discoveries are of two types: Type I and Type II. When an inquirer enhances his/her focus of attention, as in contemplation, type I discoveries can come. Type I discoveries amount to connecting the dots in the ocean of existing knowledge. When the inquirer further enhances his/her focus of attention, as in meditation or prayer, type II discoveries may materialize. Type II discoveries cannot come from products of reason such as sciences, laws, policies, regulations and the like nor can they be derived from existing knowledge. In Sanskrit, type II discoveries go by the name Shruti, meaning revealed. Much of the ancient Indian knowledge is the product of Shruti discoveries. Both Type I and Type II discoveries will be required to tackle some of the intractable problems facing humanity such as renewable energy, global warming, desalination, etc.  

Not long ago, I brought to the attention of readers the fascinating story of Kaprekar number, 6,174 suggesting that it could be an example of a Type II discovery. Here, you take any four-digit number where not all the digits are the same, form the maximum number from the four digits as well as the minimum number. Now, subtract the minimum number from the maximum, and keep repeating this procedure, and you will get 6,174 in at most seven operations. There doesn’t appear to be any mathematical procedure that will allow you to derive this number which would make it a Type II discovery.

I have a hunch Elon Musk’s discovery of the link of fast-food businesses and their use of red, orange and yellow colors in businesses may well be a Type II discovery. Not only that, as more and more people come to know about these types of discoveries, the prospects of more and more discoveries occurring will surely enhance and that is a great thing.


The author is Professor Emeritus in and former Chairman of the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Louisville.

(The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of New India Abroad)
