Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA hosts Yogathon

Over 15,000 individuals from 36 states participated in the event

Surya Namaskar at Yogathon in Colorado / HSS USA

The Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh USA (HSS) recently conducted the 17th annual "Surya Namaskar Yajna," also known as the "Health for Humanity Yogathon.”

The 16-day public health awareness campaign introduced participants to the revitalizing practice of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation). The yoga practice, which consists of ten postures and focused breathing exercises, has significant physical and mental health benefits.

The yogathon combined online and live events in a relay structure that took place across the country. The Surya Namaskar routine was performed nearly 925,051 times by over 15,585 people from 36 states, the organizers said in a statement.

Yogathon in San Antonio, TX / HSS USA

The program's educational value was highlighted by the nearly 50,000 repetitions that 4,640 instructors and students from 35 schools provided. Participants completed more than 100 sets at different sites, including temples and meditation center.

The Health for Humanity Yogathon, founded in 2007, has been a signature event for HSS, to promote the all-encompassing advantages of yoga for people and communities. Official proclamations endorsing the Yogathon from elected authorities, such as US senators, governors, state representatives, and mayors, encouraged a broad involvement in the health-conscious initiative.

National project coordinator Manjunath expressed satisfaction with the Yogathon's role in raising health awareness in a variety of American communities. The event is evidence of HSS's dedication to volunteerism and civic engagement, as well as the development of a strong Hindu-American identity.

An elementary school teacher expressed gratitude for this program, commenting, “I feel that there are many things that the students can get from this program, not only in the mind, but also in the body. They can learn different strategies to calm themselves down and focus. And then with their body, they can be strengthening and stretching their body and making it more strong."
