How Trump will lose election

In this letter Girish Modi analyzes how Donald Trump is set to lose in the Nov.5 elections.

Dear editor,

It is written all over the Internet poll numbers, TV and media reports in the aftermath of debate with contender Kamala Harris that Donald Trump is going to lose the presidential election, unless he drastically changes his attitude and strategy. 

Stop spreading lies and rumors. Stop self-promotion. Stop past strategy of 2016 & 2020 elections, because they will not work this year. Forget about abortion issue and promise of good future, because women and young voters are going to vote for Kamala on these two issues. Instead, Trump needs to fight the election on two issues only – Immigration & Inflation, which are intertwined. No need to talk about foreign policy, since it does not affect daily lives of Americans.

Instead of falsely claiming that Haitian migrants in a Ohio town are eating pets, Trump should stress that in a town of 50,000 residents, there are 20,000 illegal migrants, who place burden on local economy and resources. This scenario is repeated all over the country because 8 million illegal migrants have come through the Southern border during under President Biden and Harris administration.

 Since the towns spend millions of tax-payers’ dollars in providing free food, free education to their children and medical and social services to these migrants, inflation is spiraling.  

Trump should convince voters that he will stop this situation on the day one.

Girish Modi

Decatur, GA
