The Indian American Business Impact Group (IAMBIG),a leading organization dedicated to mentoring and investing in the next generation of entrepreneurs, has sponsored the Hood College Entrepreneurship Pitch Competition and Conference hosted by Delaplaine School of Business.
Set to take place on April 18, the competition will offer $4,000 in awards, providing a unique platform for students and researchers to showcase their ideas.
Entrepreneurship Pitch Competition and Conference will feature a business pitch competition, where Hood College students and recent alumni will present their innovative ideas before a panel of judges.
"We are excited to explore innovative ideas through a partnership with Hood College that address the world's complex challenges," said Ravi Puli, co-founder of IAMBIG. "Our members are eager to mentor, partner with, and invest in the right opportunities to drive change and create value.”
Each team will have five minutes to pitch their concept, followed by a three-minute Q&A session. Submissions are due by Mar. 16, with finalists announced by Mar. 30.
In addition to the pitch competition, the event will also include an academic research conference focused on entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership. Researchers will have the opportunity to present their "works in progress," receiving valuable feedback from peers and industry leaders. Two research submissions will receive cash prizes.
The Indian American business community has played a pivotal role in fostering innovation and economic growth across industries, the college said in a statement highlighting the significance of their support.
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