Renowned Indian chef Sanjeev Kapoor’s TV show Khana Khazana has been inducted into the 11th Class of the Taste Hall of Fame, that recognizes and acknowledges outstanding excellence in video, film, mobile and interactive content focused on food, drink, fashion, design, travel and lifestyle.
Khana Khazana which first aired in 1993 on Zee TV and made chef Kapoor a household name. The show ran for 17 years, making it the longest running of its kind in Asia. With its simple recipes, the show aimed to empower women through power of cooking to become self sufficient.
Following its success, Kapoor became the first chef in the world to own a 24X7 food and lifestyle channel, Food Food which launched in January 2011.
A Padma Shri recipient, Kapoor also created a Guinness World Record for cooking 918 kgs of khichdi live at World Food India 2017, New Delhi. He has authored over 150 best selling cookbooks, is a restaurateur and winner of several culinary awards.
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