Modi’s U.S. Visits: Diplomacy Redefined

As India and the U.S. continue to navigate a complex and evolving global landscape, Modi’s ability to engage both nations has positioned India as a key player on the world stage.

PM Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden during a bilateral meeting on Sept. 21 in Delaware. / X/@narendramodi

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi has played a transformative role in shaping the India-U.S. relationship over the past decade. His multiple visits to the United States, especially since he took office in 2014, have not only elevated diplomatic ties but also galvanized the Indian American diaspora in an unprecedented manner. 

With key events such as the Madison Square Garden rally in 2014, the Silicon Valley visit in 2015, the "Howdy Modi" event in Texas in 2019, and the U.S. State Visit in 2023, Modi’s engagements have left a lasting impact on both bilateral relations and the Indian community in the U.S.

Strengthening India-U.S. Relations Through Diplomatic Visits

PM Modi’s visits to the U.S. have been significant in strengthening the strategic, economic, and political partnership between the two democracies. The U.S. is India’s largest trading partner, and cooperation in defense, technology, and energy has deepened as a result of these high-level engagements. 

Over the years, PM Modi has worked closely with U.S. presidents—Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden—nurturing personal relationships that have bolstered bilateral ties. His first impactful visit came in 2014, when he addressed a packed Madison Square Garden in New York, shortly after becoming Prime Minister. This visit marked a turning point in U.S.-India relations, as Modi emphasized India’s potential as a global economic powerhouse and its commitment to democratic values. 

His meeting with President Obama during that trip laid the groundwork for future collaboration on climate change, defense cooperation, and counterterrorism. On one occasion, President Obama said, “the Prime Minister has been an outstanding partner  And in my interactions with Prime Minister Modi, I have to say that the ideals of good governance to uplift and prosperity to everyone are ones that he not only gives lip service to but he also acts on”.

Subsequent visits only strengthened these bonds. In 2015, during his trip to Silicon Valley, where I was the Convenor of the visit and SAP Center event, PM Modi focused on “startups, innovation & technology and how to further support them in India”. He underscored India’s growing role in the global tech industry and sought partnerships to promote the Indian government's flagship initiatives like “Digital India” and “Make in India.” 

Having visited various tech companies, meeting tech giants and firsthand witnessing contributions and involvement of Indians in the tech industry, perhaps, further shaped India’s startup and tech trajectory and policies. The visit saw leading tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Apple commit to expanding their operations in India, which helped create new business opportunities and jobs in both countries.

In 2019, PM Modi’s "Howdy Modi" event in Houston, Texas, was perhaps one of the most visible displays of the strength of India-U.S. relations. It was a unique moment in international diplomacy, where a foreign leader addressed an audience of over 50,000 Indian Americans alongside then U.S. President Donald Trump. 

On the occasion, President Trump said, “Prime Minister Modi is doing a truly exceptional job for India and for all of the Indian people. Prime Minister Modi and I have come to Houston to celebrate everything that unites America and India: our shared dreams and bright futures”. The event celebrated the partnership between the two nations, reinforcing cooperation in areas such as energy, counterterrorism, and defense, while also showcasing the close bond between the two leaders.

The 2023 State Visit, under the Biden administration, marked the highest level of diplomatic engagement between the two countries. Modi was hosted with full honors, and under Initiate For Critical and Emerging Technologies (ICET – about which Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies, FIIDS, has also been creating awareness about), key areas of discussion included clean energy, space cooperation, defense technology, and emerging issues like artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. 

The visit also emphasized the strategic importance of the Quad (the security dialogue between India, the U.S., Japan, and Australia) on global security issues. Many important announcements for example clearance of GE F-414 engine to manufacture in India, NASA ISRO partnership, MoU on semiconductor supply chain, Micron Technology $825m investment to build semiconductors and many other were done in this visit. On this occasion President Biden summarized that US's relationship with India - the world's most populous country - is "stronger, closer and more dynamic than any time in history".

Modi’s Address to the U.S. Congress: A Defining Moment

During his June 2023 State Visit, Modi made history by addressing a joint session of the U.S. Congress for the second time, an honor granted to few world leaders. It was a defining moment that underscored India’s growing role on the global stage.

One of Modi's most significant moments in the U.S. came during his historic address to the U.S. Congress in 2016. He became the sixth Indian Prime Minister to address a joint session of Congress, and his speech highlighted the shared values of democracy, freedom, and mutual respect that bind India and the U.S. In his address, Modi underscored the importance of the relationship: “The convergence of our values and interests has led us to a natural partnership. It is a partnership based on shared values, vision, and a commitment to democracy and liberty. And it is a relationship that will define the course of this century.”

In his historic second address he reflected the deepening strategic partnership between India and the U.S. and outlined a vision for a future based on cooperation, shared democratic values, and global leadership and covered wide ranging topics from climate change, technology, COVID vaccine diplomacy to women empowerment.

He summarized US India partnership journey has come from hesitation to confidence and its moment as rapid growth of Artificial Intelligence, coining new definition for AI as America India. He also emphasized that democracy is not just a system; it is our sacred and shared values for dignity and equality for all and outlined the vision for global affairs as one earth, one family, one future.

Galvanizing the Indian American Diaspora

Modi’s visits have also served as a powerful platform for connecting with the Indian American community, which plays a significant role in shaping U.S.-India relations. The Indian diaspora in the U.S., numbering over 4.5 million, is one of the most influential immigrant communities in the country. Indian Americans have excelled in diverse fields, from technology and business to politics and academia, and they serve as a vital bridge between the two nations.

The Madison Square Garden rally in 2014 was a watershed moment in the diaspora's engagement with India. Thousands of Indian Americans came to witness Modi’s vision for India’s future and his plans to integrate the global diaspora into the nation-building process. His speech inspired a renewed sense of pride and connection to India, motivating many in the diaspora to contribute to India’s development initiatives, such as the Swachh Bharat (Clean India) mission and Make in India.

In 2015, during his Silicon Valley visit, Modi engaged directly with Indian American tech leaders, recognizing the diaspora’s role in shaping the global digital economy. He highlighted the importance of Indian talent in driving innovation in the U.S. and invited Indian-origin entrepreneurs and engineers to contribute to India’s growing digital ecosystem. This visit further strengthened ties between the U.S. tech industry and India's rapidly expanding digital landscape.

The "Howdy Modi" event in 2019, however, was the zenith of Modi’s outreach to the Indian American community. The sheer scale of the event, combined with the presence of President Trump, showcased the diaspora’s growing political and economic clout in the U.S. Modi’s message of unity and cooperation resonated deeply with the crowd, and the event became a celebration of the Indian American community’s contributions to U.S. society and the India-U.S. partnership.

Beyond the economic and political spheres, Modi’s outreach has also fostered a sense of cultural pride among Indian Americans. Through his speeches, he has celebrated India’s rich cultural heritage, democratic traditions, and global aspirations, encouraging the diaspora to take pride in their roots while fully integrating into American society.

The Strategic Importance of Diaspora Engagement

Modi’s engagement with the Indian American community is not just symbolic—it is strategic. The diaspora wields significant influence in U.S. politics, especially as Indian Americans have increasingly become involved in political life. Several Indian Americans now hold key positions in U.S. government, including Vice President Kamala Harris, Governor Nikki Haley, five lawmakers in Congress are of Indian origin and more than few dozen are in administration. 

The Indian diaspora’s contributions to U.S. business and academia also provide India with significant soft power in its relationship with the U.S. Indian Americans are leaders in the tech sector, academia, healthcare, and entrepreneurship, and their success stories resonate with both countries. Modi has effectively leveraged this soft power to bolster India’s global image and deepen bilateral ties with the U.S.

A Lasting Legacy

Prime Minister Modi’s U.S. visits have had a profound and lasting impact on India-U.S. relations and the Indian diaspora. His outreach has galvanized Indian Americans, creating a deeper sense of connection between the community and India while also showcasing the diaspora’s importance in strengthening bilateral ties.

As India and the U.S. continue to navigate a complex and evolving global landscape, Modi’s ability to engage both nations has positioned India as a key player on the world stage. The diplomatic and cultural bridges built through his visits have not only enhanced the partnership between the two countries but have also empowered the Indian diaspora to play a more significant role in shaping the future of India-U.S. relations.

The mutual benefits of these strengthened ties—whether in defense cooperation, technological collaboration, or cultural exchange—are clear. With India emerging as a critical player in the Indo-Pacific and the U.S. as a steadfast ally, Modi’s efforts have laid a strong foundation for an enduring partnership that will shape global affairs for decades to come.



The author is president of the Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies (FIIDS).

(The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of  New India Abroad.)










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