Puneet Ahluwalia to run for Fairfax supervisor

Ahluwalia aims to bring accountability and responsibility to the government to Fairfax, which has a significant Indian and Asian American community.

Puneet Ahluwalia / (Image - Puneet/website)

A first-generation Indian American businessman, Puneet Ahluwalia is seeking election to the post of Fairfax County supervisor in Virginia. The board of supervisors are responsible for county government policy, passing resolutions and ordinances.

"I’m running for Fairfax supervisor in the Dranesville district because we have real problems. But the growing division and incivility of our politics make it almost impossible to solve those problems," Ahluwalia said in a statement adding that he will “bring accountability, good governance, and diversity of ideas to the supervisory board.”

He further added, "As your supervisor, I pledge that I will always be honest and tell you the truth. I’ll not pursue any agenda other than uniting with others to find practical solutions to the issues that confront us. I’ll work without fear or favour to do the right thing and always remember I work for you, not the other way around." 

According to his campaign website, Ahluwalia will work towards addressing increase in property tax, improving public safety creating more recreation spaces, preserving the environment and bringing in education reforms.

“I believe that under all the anger in our politics today, our shared values can unite us in finding solutions to the problems Fairfax residents face,” the Indian American said in a message on the website.
