Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh, who was announced as the lead of the third film of the popular Don franchise, penned a heartfelt note to the lead actors of the previous intallments, Shah Rukh Khan and Amitabh Bachchan. The makers recently announced that the third installment, named ‘Don 3: The Chase Ends’, directed by Farhan Akhtar, will release in 2025.
"Gosh! I’ve been dreaming about doing this for a very, very long time!" wrote Singh, encapsulating his emotions in an Instagram post. In the note, Singh recalled his early admiration for marvels Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan, the cornerstones of Hindi Cinema. "I dreamed of growing up to be like them. They are the reason I wanted to become an actor and a 'hindi film hero'," Singh said, acknowledging them as their “role models.”
Venturing into the 'Don' dynasty, he acknowledged the weight of the legacy. "I understand what a great responsibility it is to be a part of the 'Don' dynasty. I hope the audience gives me a chance and showers me with love, as they have for numerous characters over the years."
Singh thanked Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani, saying, "Thank you Farhan and Ritesh for believing in me. I hope I can deliver on your faith." Lastly, the actor thanked his audience and reaffirmed his dedication to the iconic character.
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