Rebuttal Letter to LA Times

Dear editor,

I am a dismayed Hindu-American. I see a distinct discrepancy in The Times article, whereby, Sosa took out the word "Anti" when reporting "Anti-Hindu bias" in its callous and irresponsible statement, “Calls related to anti-Jewish violence accounted for 36.9% of religious targeting calls. The second most reported was Hindu bias,which accounted for 23.3% of calls. Anti-Muslim bias accounted for 14.6%, according to the data state officials released.” It should have stated "Anti-Hindu bias" like "Anti-Muslim bias." Importantly, was the intent of The Times to create the falsehood that "hindu bias" was bias by Hindus against others? Why is The Times bent upone creating the false narrative that hindu bias is bias by Hindus against others? Thus, mainstreaming Hindus with a negative bias? Or was the statement a typo? If so, then a retraction is appropriate! Or has The Times gone too far again to influence its readers towards an anti-Hindu bias?

Geeta Sikand
Irvine CA 
