Redefining Journalism with AI

The newsroom will use AI and machine learning to independently verify stories

In an effort to revolutionize the journalism industry with the help of artificial intelligence, Lalit Jha, chief US correspondent of the Press Trust of India, and his son Om Jha, a Georgia Tech computer science student, have developed a virtual newsroom system as well as secured a patent for it.

58 percent of journalists cite content and news accuracy as their top concern, according to the 2023 Cision report on the state of the news industry. An additional 27 percent struggle with maintaining credibility and combating fake news. The first-of-its-kind virtual newsroom will use AI and machine learning to independently verify stories and address these issues.

To accomplish this, it will keep track of various media, journalists, and topics and use this data to determine an overall truth score for the news. The system is currently operational on the 5WH platform, created by the father-son duo.

"By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning, we aim to elevate the standards of efficiency in the media industry while empowering journalists to connect with new audiences, editors, and outlets," Lalit Jha said.

"When we envisioned this AI system, our goal was to improve operational efficiency and boost transparency across news, content creation, and dissemination." Om Jha added.
