Response to article on Siddhguru's event in New York

In this letter, Ram Chherti expressed his views on the New India Abroad story title "Siddhguru enlightens gathering in New York."

Dear editor,

Regarding Sidhaguru’s claim of enlightenment,especially Eight Sidhisand nine Nidhis, appears to be just a carefully crafted and choreographed propaganda which has no bases at all to prove it’s authenticity.Why? Religious preachers are not enlightened.

Asta -eight-Sidhis-impossible,otherwise he would not be in America preaching in a 5 star hotel of Manhattan. He could perform miracles like providing food to the tens of millions of hungry people in India itself. Ameliorating the suffering of hundreds of millions of people should have been his goal rather than impressing foreigners by his holistic approach whatever that means.

Hanuman, Neeb Karoli Baba,Ramana Maharshi, Devrah Baba ,Milarepa,Ram K Paramhamsa et al  had such miraculous powers but they were indifferent to such things as mere distractions. Nor they ever claim to have any such powers.

Hundreds of charlatans have been claiming to posses such powers and cheating the gullible people thus giving a bad name to the real spirituality. No dearth of self styled religious teachers.

No disrespect intended.Just so you know what is at stake. Big names with millions of followers doesn’t mean a thing. Asa Ram,Narayan Sai,Ram Rahim Singh,et al are some of the examples of people languishing in prison for a long time. Rajnish is another controversial figure.


