Rinu Nair becomes youngest member of Fremont Unified School District Board

Rinu Nair received 50.10 percent (6,606) of the votes.

Rinu Nair. / rinu4fusd

Rinu Nair has been elected as the newest member of the Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) board of education, representing Area 4 in California. Nair won 50.10 percent (6,606) of the vote, running against Ganesh Balamitran, who secured 40.90 percent (6,580) of votes. 

Nair (18), who officially assumed office last week, is the youngest person to hold this position in Fremont and the youngest woman to do so nationally. Her term will run through December 2028.

A graduate of Irvington High School and former chair of the FUSD Wellness Committee, Nair is known for her focus on mental health, campus safety, and educational quality. During her campaign, she emphasized prioritizing student well-being and fostering collaboration among students, teachers, parents, and administrators. 

Her initiatives as the wellness committee chair included integrating mental health into district guidelines and introducing wellness gardens. She also worked with local organizations to provide portable shelters and food for unhoused individuals.

“As the youngest person to ever hold this title in Fremont and the youngest woman to hold this title nationally, I recognize the significance of this moment and the responsibilities it will carry. I am committed to bringing a new perspective to the table, one that focuses on what matters most: our students,” Nair said in a statement post her victory. 

“Thank you to every one of you who believed in the vision of this campaign and who helped support this journey. Your ideas and your voice have inspired me every step in this campaign and have solidified my vision for FUSD. This win would not have been made possible without each and every one of you. Our campaign brought together communities and I am ready to start working to create the best possible environment for our students, staff, teachers, and administrators,” she added. 

The teenager plans to improve facilities, expand course offerings, and enhance safety measures in collaboration with school resource officers. She also aims to ensure taxpayer dollars are used responsibly to benefit students and the broader school community. 
