Siddhguru enlightens gathering in New York

Siddhguru, a spiritual leader who is renowned for his proficiency in Vedic sciences, astrology, and holistic traditional Indian practices, is believed to have acquired all eight Siddhis and nine Nidhis (treasures).

Siddhguru and invited guests / Photo Courtesy: Rob Klein and Chirstine Mendes

Indian vedic scholar Brahmrishi Siddhguru, popularly known as Siddhguru, recently attended an event at Marriott Marquis, Manhattan, New York, jointly hosted by conscious filmmaker Neha Lohia and founder and editor of web magazine Parveen Chopra.

Siddhguru, a spiritual leader who is renowned for his proficiency in Vedic sciences, astrology, and holistic traditional Indian practices, is believed to have acquired all eight Siddhis and nine Nidhis (treasures). He employs his abilities to heal and empower others on a soul level by traveling the world to empower his followers. His expansive ashram is located in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Siddhguru / Photo Courtesy: Rob Klein and Chirstine Mendes

Describing the event as a “divine party’, Siddhguru personally greeted the attendees at the event and delivered inspirational messages to propel them further towards their goals. “Each one of you is unique - a Masterpiece. There is no one like you and your visions are entrusted in your soul alone because only you can make them happen,” he told the gathering.

Siddhguru with the founder Equinox Lavinia Errico, Neha lohia and Kunal Sood / Photo Courtesy: Rob Klein and Chirstine Mendes

In his speech, Siddhguru—who is famous for creating "Siddhasana": The Power Of The Soul, a holistic practice that enables human souls to do good deeds in the world—illuminated the many ways in which modern living depletes the energy of the soul. He encouraged the attendees to pursue everything that strengthens soul energy as their primary goal.

Siddhguru with Anna Yusim / Photo Courtesy: Rob Klein and Chirstine Mendes

He asserted that Siddhasana will significantly enhance the positive agendas of individuals, which is precisely what the world, which is currently making significant technological advancements, requires. 

“We have advanced and created a lot of technology to be fit externally, to beautify from the outside but our souls are depleting and becoming weaker by the day. We need to strengthen our souls with active practice and utmost urgency,” Siddhguru emphasized. 

Gurudev Blessing Neha Lohia / Photo Courtesy: Rob Klein and Chirstine Mendes

Lohia announced that her upcoming documentary, "Siddhi," will delve deeper into this critical and timely message. The film will focus on Siddhguru's revelation of Siddhasana, which is powered by profound and unsaid truths from sacred texts. 

During the event, Shilpa Shyamsukha Mehta, a certified facilitator of Siddhasana, gave a demonstration of the technique. Ashok Sancheti, Rajesh Choradia, Ph.D. Chandra and Sharada Bhansali, and other devotees whose lives have been changed by adhering to the technique were present to share their experiences.

Siddhguru Blessing Parveen Chopra / Photo Courtesy: Rob Klein and Chirstine Mendes

Siddhguru's homilies, which included the following: "Know Faith, No Fear," "Raise the quality of your words not your voice," "Seeing the word FAILure as "First Attempt in Learning," and "NO as "Next Opportunity," struck a chord on everyone in attendance. 

The event was attended by many notable dignitaries, including Dr. Aleta St. James, Dr. Anna Yusim, Jodi Weiss, fashion designers Prashant Goyal and Jim Su, actors Alex Garfin of HBO Fame, Emmy-nominated filmmaker Tirlok Malik, latest broadway sensation Kaitlyn Mitchell, and executives Kunal Sood and Seth Rao.

Invited guests / Photo Courtesy: Rob Klein and Chirstine Mendes

Moreover, Dr. Sumul Raval and other AAPI World Health Congress representatives were present. The congress was inaugurated at the Marriott Marquis by Siddhguru, in which Siddhasana played a significant role this year. 

“This truly was a rare and special gathering,” said one attendee, reflecting on the unique blend of wisdom and divine energy that permeated the event. 

“He is enlightened, and I am so fortunate that I followed my intuition and came to this event,” said Aleta St. James, an internationally acclaimed emotional healer and dynamic life coach. 
