Indian cricket team, led by captain Rohit Sharma, met Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at the Parliament House on Wednesday. The gathering highlighted the deep cultural ties between the two nations, cemented further by their shared love of cricket. Before the second day-night Test, which is scheduled to begin on December 6 at the Adelaide Oval, Team India will play a three-day practice match against the Prime Minister's XI in Canberra starting on Nov 30.
During the meeting, PM Albanese greeted star players including Virat Kohli and Jasprit Bumrah, commending their contributions to international cricket. The team introduced themselves and shared a brief but engaging conversation with the Prime Minister. Albanese expressed enthusiasm for the upcoming game and reminisced about his experiences at last year’s Fourth Test in Ahmedabad, which celebrated bilateral relations through cricket.
The warm-up match against the Prime Minister’s XI will provide crucial preparation for the day-night Test in Adelaide starting December 6. Beyond cricket, the event underscored the broader Australia-India relationship.
As anticipation builds for the game, PM Albanese humorously expressed his sporting loyalty, backing the Australian team while acknowledging India’s formidable skills. The Canberra event promises not only thrilling cricket but also a reaffirmation of the enduring bonds between two cricket-loving nations.
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