Trump’s Debate Performance

In this letter, Girish Modi expresses his views on Donald Trump's performance at the Sept. 10 presidential debate

Dear Editor,

Though I dislike his arrogance and not speaking truth, I am not going to thrash his  debate performance like most viewers who appear to be biased and prejudiced.

I had watched the debate attentively and also twice reviewed it afterwards when I saw  media reports praising Kamala’s performance.  She may have landed a couple of blows on Trump, which he had thwarted tactfully, drawing big applause from her fans. But she avoided giving details about her policy and how she is going to solve the issues during her presidency, because ultimately Congress has to pass her proposals into laws.

For example, Kamala is catering to people who are in favor of abortions and promises to reinstate Roe v. Wade decision made 25 years ago, by ignoring the fact that Supreme Court has sent the issues back to the States after striking it. It means Congress has no authority to pass any laws regarding abortions. So Kamala’s promise is misleading.

Similarly, Kamala is promising better life to middle class people, who are majority without giving details of her policies. All her proposed promises will have to pass through Congress, which will be an uphill task. Ask Biden how he faced resistance in last three years from Congress and the Courts for all his executive orders to relief through DACA to undocumented immigrants and debt relief to student loans.

It appears that Kamala has adopted campaign strategy of Bill Clinton & Barak Obama, both of whom had won the race by giving people hopes of better life. However, people are forgetting Biden-Kamala’s performance during last three and half years.

 Since black people and women are excited about Kamala’s candidacy, I am sure that she will win the race, even though she is less qualified than Trump, mostly because of biased media and spending $300 million on phony advertisements. If Trump wants to win, he must change his strategy.

 Girish Modi

Decatur, GA
